20 April 2011

What Is Tawas Powder?

Tawas powder is a popular deodorant used in the Philippines. I've always been curious about it but I just didn't understand the differences between that and regular antiperspirant deodorant. 

From what I've learned;
  • alum is another name for tawas
  • it has cosmetic, medicinal, and industrial uses
  • it is natural
  • it has antibacterial and whitening properties
  • tawas also comes in solid crystal form
If you're looking for an alternative and trying to steer away from antiperspirants, tawas powder (or crystal) is right for you. It's easy to apply; pinch a small amount and rub it into your armpits. So many people swear by it so I've decided to give it a try. It is a hot day; 31 degrees Celcius in my room and I've applied some about an hour ago. So far so good, my kili kili (Tagalog word for armpits) are odourless and feel dry. We'll see how I do for the rest of the day.

This 50 gram container only cost 6.50 PHP (0.15 CAD). 

But I was just wondering; which one is most effective? Tawas powder? Or tawas crystal? Let me know what you think!

Wish you were here!